Learning About Your Web Browser
For many of you, this may be the first time you had to your your browser as a tool. Let's quickly step through some key functionalities:
The Console:
- Right click anywhere on this page and choose 'Inspect Element.'
- In Google Chrome, you will see a list of tabs (Element, Network,...) and an arrow to its right. Click that to expand the tabs list and choose "Console."
- This is used to log diagnostic information to help debug your web page or application.
- You can also you it to compile JavaScript while the browser is open. Type this in the console:
var a = 3;
- To log variable values in the console, all you need to do is add
console.log({some value})
to your Javascript code
Document Object Model (DOM) tree:
- The DOM is a convention for representing and interacting with objects in HTML, XHTML, and XML documents.
- Think of it as a tree of parent and child nodes.
- When a web page is loaded, the browser creates a DOM of the page.
- Your browser treats each element of the DOM as an object. With the object model, JavaScript is fully enabled to create dynamic HTML.
- In the GIF below, I show an example of d3.js updating elements of the DOM. In particulr, d3.js updates the locations of the circles when an event is triggered. More on this later.

Mouse Events:
- The coordinate system for the browser has a x,y origin in the upper lefthand corner of the page.
- The browser can detect when your cursor (e.g., mouse) interacts with elements in the DOM.
Below, I show a range of mouse events capable using JavaScript. Mouse over the image below and see the logged mouse coordinates associated with each mouse event.
mousedown: {{onMouseDownResult}}
mouseup: {{onMouseUpResult}}
mouseenter: {{onMouseEnterResult}}
mouseleave: {{onMouseLeaveResult}}
mousemove: {{onMouseMoveResult}}
mouseover: {{onMouseOverResult}}
Copyright © Mike Taptich 2015... JK. Take what you want from here.