I am a firm believer in coding with a purpose. When you are first starting off learning JavaScript, you may want to learn everything there is to learn about the language (broad). I suggest that you instead only pick up the pieces of code you need in order to complete some bigger project (narrow).
To give you a glimpse of what you could do in d3, check out Mike Bostock's github repo, Christopher Viau's well-curated repository, or one of the many examples provided at bl.ocks.org/. The last link is by far your best resource as a beginner because the data visualizations are shown with their respective source code. Below, I embedded some of examples that showcase the capabilities of d3.js.
Via mbostock's gist.
Via rkirsling's gist.
Via mbostock's gist.
Via mtaptich's gist.
I also want to share some more notable examples of using d3.js as a means to explain multi-dimensional data in an interactive manner:
With all this background, you should have the basic tools to start making data visualizations.
Copyright © Mike Taptich 2015... JK. Take what you want from here.